The Evolution of Wireless Technology-Past, Present and Future
Origins of Wireless Technology To find out where wireless technology first got its start, we have to go back to explore its roots in 1887. You might say 1887? Isn’t that a little early for wireless device? Well, yes and no. In 1887 Heinrich Hertz created the first alternating current generator called an oscillator. This device actually pushes electromagnetic waves through space which in turn created what we call today as radio wave frequency. Getting down to basics–Security Solutions Made Easy by Wireless Technology Even though wireless technology got an earlier start than you may have imagined using primitive telecoils, infrared systems and FM (frequency modulation) radio waves, modern wireless technology still utilizes that theory today. The only difference now is that we use more advanced tools such as microchips that are compatible with almost any radio frequency. These microchips are found in the form of SIM cards an...